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WEBISO - the future is here!

You efficiently and easily meet the requirements for accreditation, certification and occupational health and safety.

We teach you the requirements and show you how easy it is!

We are passionate about standards!

We educate you about the requirements to be met and provide you with our web-based management system which simplifies it all.

Our competence, your advantage!

We have a long theoretical and practical experience implementing standards. We continually improve our knowledge with some of the leading standards bodies, BSI, DNI and SIS. We have extensive international experience gained through living, studying and working.

Modern and safe software!

Our software is developed according to the requirements of ISO/IEC/IEE 12207:2017.

Our safety requirements correspond to the highest in the industry.

Hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) - the largest and most advanced Cloud Computing platform in the world.




We are passionate about standards!

A selection of the standards we work with is presented below. If you already have a management system that meets the requirements of one or more of the ones shown or if you are going to introduce a standard that is not included below, do not hesitate to contact us.


ISO 9001

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ISO 14001

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Information Security

ISO/IEC 27001

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Risk Management

ISO 31000

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ISO/IEC 17020

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ISO 13485
ISO 45001
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About us


Relationer med våra kunder får oss att växa och utvecklas.

Adriana Chueca

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Kandidatexamen Communications Management, Universidad de Lima
Kärnkompetens: Försäljning, marknadsföring och kommunikation.
Språk: Engelska och spanska.

Karam Al-Dulaimi

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Ingenjör Computer engineering, University of Mosul
Kärnkompetens: Software engineering.
Språk: Engelska och arabiska.

Magnus Eriksson

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Marknadschef, Marknadsföring IHM Business School
Kärnkompetens: Försäljning, marknadsföring och kommunikation.
Språk: Engelska och spanska.

Peder Lienig

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Internationell Civilekonom Handelshögskolan Göteborg
Kärnkompetens: Internationellt företagande, försäljning, marknadsföring och processoptimering.
Språk: Engelska, franska och tyska.

Ella Lidner

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Student, hjälper till med support.

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